Human Factors in VR Training with Professor Bob Stone

Human Factors in VR Training with Professor Bob Stone

Livestream held 6th May 2022

Professor Bob Stone is a Human Factors specialist and a 35-year “veteran” of the international Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality community. He currently holds the position of Emeritus Professor in eXtended Realities (XR) and Human Factors at the University of Birmingham.

The study of Human factors is concerned with understanding human capabilities, and then applying this knowledge to the design of equipment, tools, systems, and processes of work, and in our case, VR Training. Understanding these factors can help us to create effective, usable training that is a better fit for more people.

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Talk about your brand

Join us for an informal panel discussion following Apple WWDC 2023, exploring the company's much hyped foray into extended reality headset hardware. 

Panelists will include 

  • Oliver Weidlich, Founder and Director of Design and Innovation, Contxtual, recently returned from WWDC and AWE US
  • Joe Millward, General Manager APAC, Tailspin
  • Angus Stevens, CEO and Co-Founder, Start Beyond
  • and Natalie Marinho, Chair of Immerse Australia.